While in EagleFiler I’ve been caught out a few times, facing empty folders, before realising that I had some text in the search field.
e.g. when clicking on my normally full “insurance” folder, nothing shows up, because I had “mastercard” typed into the search box at the time, and didn’t realise it.
I thought this was just a idiosyncrasy of EagleFiler, and could live with it, until this week, when I’ve been combining lots of my PDFs into single files, and hence cutting down on the total number of PDFs I have in EagleFiler.
Part of this, includes culling a number of folders.
Now, I’ve realised that I may have culled a few folders, while mistakenly thinking they were empty. I thought they were empty because nothing showed up in the file list; but this was only because the search field had some text in them.
In this case when deleting the folder, EF will proceed to move the folder+contents into the trash. The file no longer appears when searched for in EF.
I have backups, so this is not a huge drama. But I think this is a potential reason for undetected data loss.
Personally, where I used to think that EF had an idiosyncratic search interface, I now think that it is quite dangerous. Just as an example, I would be unlikely to make this error in Mail.app – a toolbar appears when a search is active, and the text in the search field is removed when clicking on a different folder.
This has been raised in these threads:
This also highlights one of my principles of file management, which I wish I could apply to real life: “never empty the trash”.