EagleFiler 1.4.13

The following was posted on the EagleFiler blog:

EagleFiler 1.4.13 is now available. This is a free update that includes the following enhancements:

  • Improved EagleFiler’s responsiveness with libraries containing many files.
  • Updated the instructions for how to make EagleFiler’s capture key work with Preview on Mac OS X 10.6. EagleFiler will automatically show this when you try to capture from Preview.
  • Google Chrome does not have sufficient AppleScript support to work with EagleFiler’s capture key, so EagleFiler will now display a message that tells how you can add an EagleFiler button to Chrome’s toolbar.
  • Added the Convert Plain Text to Rich Text script.
  • Added # as a word character for indexing, so that you can search for preprocessor directives and hashtags. This will take effect for new libraries or if you rebuild your indexes by holding the Command and Option keys when opening a library.
  • Added the Drag and Drop section of the manual and expanded the Importing Mail and The Edit Menu sections.
  • Improved the styling of the Apple Help.
  • Fixed a bug searching for certain terms with Match Partial Words
    enabled. - Fixed a regression where EagleFiler wouldn’t launch on a PowerPC G3–based Mac.
  • Fixed a bug dragging iChat files.
  • Fixed a bug where messages didn’t sort properly by Date Created
    . - Fixed a bug where some closed windows still showed up via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a bug where EagleFiler would crash when processing certain invalid URLs.
  • Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.6 that could cause inconsistent font sizes in the contextual menus.