EagleFiler is not so comfortable for a bit big library.

Yes, EagleFiler shows a progress spinner while importing at the bottom-left of the window. I also recommend installing Growl, which will show a little notification window after each import finishes.

Thank you for kind reply as always.

When importing-time is around 2 second or so, I can wait for finishing progress spinner.

However, for some kind of webarchives, we have to wait for 4 seconds or more (20 seconds in the worst case) impatiently until importing process is really finished.
Of course, I may be somehow short-tempered, however, I am very happy if the status bar displays messages like ‘50% finished’, ‘about 4 seconds left’, ‘2300/9000 is in progress’, …, during importing process.

Best regards.

Well, it depends on how long it takes to download all the resources for the page. That depends on the site, the server, your connection, etc. But why do you have to wait? Importing takes place in the background so that you can move on to other things while EagleFiler works. :slight_smile:

Thank you again.

I use EagleFiler as warehouse of webarchives like instpaper (Readlater) and so I usually import them in succession anyway (typically, 16-20 webarchives). Of course, after that, I read ‘unread’ records slowly and carefully one by one and store them into appropriate folder with appropriate tags (or into Trash in some cases).

It sometimes happens in my environment that EagleFiler does not import the next webarchive until EF finishes to import & reindex the previous one.
Then, I sometimes have to wait for next-importing just before somehow long reindexing is finished.

Best regards,

What kind of timing of reindexing of library happens?

Today, I imported 16 webarchives and thought that all is done because Activity window shows nothing. Then, I started to write blog content (with Ecto) without doing anything else upon EagleFiler (library [main] & Activity window are still open and process spinner is disappeared).
After a couple of minutes, Activity window (apparently suddenly) shows progress bar of ‘indexing [main]’.

So, I wonder what kind of timing of reindexing happens.
Is this somehow related to priority of process or other reason?

best regards,

Yes, there are cases where EagleFiler will wait to index until it has been idle for a while.

How to set my standard about timing when I had better split my library to multi library?

My library size reaches up to 9400 records (almost webarchives) with 8.3GB.

Importing and reindexing time is wandering around 4 -10 seconds.
Moreover, I fluently see progress spinner (2-4 seconds) during editing title of record via ‘Show Info window’.

From these signs, I tend to think I had better split my library.

However, I remember Tsai-san’s library has around 60000 records and so my library (9400) seems to be far less than it.

These are the reason why I have the beginning question of this sentence.

For example, the size of main.eflibrary (now 96MB) is somehow one of the standards?


My advice is to split based on how you want to organize the files, unless you notice it becoming uncomfortably slow. And then the first step should be to defragment your hard drive (or, at least, the .eflibrary).

Thank you for your kind advice as always.

I agree with you about a timing to split.

However, I am worried about losing excellent ‘search’ capability when I make my mind to split my library. This is the reason why I could not take a step toward splitting until today.

Is there any way to search through multi library by EagleFiler itself?

Currently, I can only find other methods for this purpose.

  1. using Spotlight / SpotInside / Spotlaser
  2. using Google Quick Search Box.


Currently, you can only search one library a time using EagleFiler.

Based on what you described, I do not think it makes sense to split your library.

Thank you for kind reply again.

Anyway, I will try to defrag main.eflibrary before I make up my mind to split.

Best regards