I am afraid that I am not describing this well. Let me try again. I have a folder within a library. Within that I may have a dozen records. So I create a subfolder called Old. I then want to move most of the dozen records into that. Naively, I might think I could do so in the record-list window that shows the records and the Old folder. However, that window is not a Finder window and, no, one can’t move the records that way (unless there is a trick). So I use the mouse to pull a given record into the Old folder in the left pane’s list. The left pane has a list of all the folders of the library and, within any given folder, subfolders. If I try to move a particular file to the Old folder, it may or may not be easy to do the navigation. Sometimes (just now, after a restart), it worked with no problem. More typically, however, it is as though I keep “missing” the target subfolder. Yup, I see the problem agin. Holding the mouse button down and moving things, the gray shadow appears on the target subfolder, but then hops–typically to the containing folder. Or, the gray shadow will appear over the next lower subfolder, but when I try to move it up to the target subfolder, it will “hop” to the next higher subfolder. Getting it to grab onto the target subfolder can be tricky. This is not consistent, but it APPEARS that the problem is when the subfolder in question is the top one in the list. So, I have
Subfolder 1
Subfolder 2
Subfolder 3
If I am moving a file and hover over the list, trying to put the file in Subfolder 1, I may have no trouble with Subfolder 3, and 2, but if I try to put it into Subfolder 1, the selection shadow hops to Person_name. Now, I can eventually get it to work, but there is something odd going on. It may also depend on the directionality–whether I approach top down, bottom up, or sideways. But it’s inconsistent.
No, this is not a matter of my having shaky arms.
Do I have third-party software affecting the mouse? I don’t think so and the problem occurs with the track-pad also. I even slowed down mouse-tracking and still had the problem. It seems that motion is not as continuous as it should be (perhaps it’s an Apple problem?). You suggest using the “larger icons in the source list”. I’m not sure what you mean. The left pane IS the source list, and I don’t see a control for icon size. The icons seem plenty large enough.
If this makes no sense to you, don’t worry about it. I will try to do better diagnosis over time.