One Library or Multiple Libraries

Since my post above I have actually moved back up to 2 libraries. Why? Well it’s a little like sooinlee1 in that is a library for past semesters.

I want to keep all my “current” files where they can be searched! The new library that I just made was an archive library for my email. . . but only my “sent” email. I had over 8000 files in my sent mail folder. I didn’t want to delete those files because I will often go back to get a file that I had sent to someone - a file that I had thrown away because I wouldn’t “need” it anymore because I had sent it to someone. But it actually existed in my sent mail. Just the other day someone asked me for a copy of a file I had sent because they had lost the one I sent somehow. It was nice to be able to go into my eagleFiler and search for the email and have it pop right up to me. Then it was a simple procedure to extract the file and send it again.

The more I use EagleFiler, the more I appreciate it! I still want all my regular files in one library. But those files I’ve archived can safely rest in another library, and I know just where to look should there be a need.