Search - exclude emails?

I just increased my dependence on EagleFiler by adding emails - about 4000 of them. It is a great solution and one that I hadn’t even touched, though I have found EagleFiler indispensable even before that.

My only problem is that now when I do a search the vast majority of my results are emails that I have to pour through, which is never what I am looking for. What is the best way to search and exclude a type of file or a folder/set of folders? I already use smart folders, but these are searches that are different everyday.


There are several different ways you could do this depending on what you want to search:

  1. To search everything in the library except e-mails, uncheck View > Show > Messages in Records Source and then search Records.
  2. To search files with a particular tag, uncheck View > Show > Messages in Tag Sources and then search the tag.
  3. To search just a folder, search the folder; e-mails are automatically excluded.
  4. To search a folder and its subfolders, create a smart mailbox, uncheck mailboxes, and set it to show “Every record.” Then, when you need to do your daily search, click on the smart folder and search from the toolbar.

I would say that just about covers it! I promise I looked at the manual first, but did not see that. Primarily, doing a search in the PDF for “Search” I did not see any of that listed there.

Thanks for the great support. Still looking forward to being able to use Options on other forms of capture. Thanks for adding it to the future list.
