say i have an email that mistakenly was classified as spam. I click on Train as good and then the email (in Mac Mail) shows up as a new email to read but the header is empty
Sounds like a problem with Mail or your server. What kind of mail account are you using?
these are emails already fetched by Mail (Leopard)
They are sitting in the Spam folder. When I tell Spamsieve that they are Train as good then they do appear in the Inbox, but the Title is blank.
Title? Do you mean the Subject? What kind of mail account (POP, IMAP, MobileMe, etc.) are you using? Is your Spam mailbox stored on the server or in On My Mac?
Yes the Subject does not carry from the Spam to the InBox
Yes the Subject does not carry from the Spam to the InBox
I am using IMAP with Mail OSX the latest version. Spam mailbox is in GMAIL’s server.
Please try rebuilding Mail’s database as described in #2 here.