After training 'good' the contect of the mail is disappeared

It’s very annoying that after training mail in the spambox as good, the mail changes to incoming mail (as wanted and expected) but immidiately changes back to spam and the content has gone. Only the subject line stays.

Are you using Apple Mail? When you say “changes back to spam” do you mean that it moves to the Spam/Junk mailbox or that the color changes? It sounds like there may be another Mac doing this.

There’s no other Mac active. Only my iPhone.

Groet, L. (Leen) Pakvis

Could you explain more specifically what you mean by “changes back to spam”?

Which mail program and version of macOS are you using?

When I a train a mail as ‘good’ in the spambox, it moves to the inbox. Then within a minute or so the mail is back in de spambox, but wtih no content. Only the subject rule is visible. So the mail is considered as lost. Very annoying

Mac Sonoma 14.1


It sounds like your Mail database is damaged. Please see this page.

I already did that

Please check your Mail account settings. Is the Junk Mailbox set to be stored under On My Mac or on your mail server?

On my Mac. In te meantime I deinstalled an reinstalled the software.

I think you’ll find that Mail is more reliable at moving messages if you set the Junk Mailbox in Mailbox Behaviors to a server mailbox.

For now the reinstalling seems to work. I’ll let you know.

Groet, L. (Leen) Pakvis