Apple mail unread/ read

spam sieve 3 marking all incoming mail as read, even where trained good; then it marks all spam mail in junk folder as read a few seconds later; in other words, it is marking all mail as read
spam sieve 3 up to date; sequoia 15 up to date. MacBook Air
any help welcome

SpamSieve marks incoming spam messages as read if you have Mark it as read checked in the settings. This is off by default. When enabled, it happens before moving the messages to Junk.

There is no SpamSieve feature to mark incoming good messages as read.

What makes you think the behavior you’re seeing is related to SpamSieve?

when I disable spam sieve, problem stops
“mark as Read” is not selected in either Training or Filtering
I’ll do a delete and reinstall of SS ( I don’t know how to reset apple mail, rebuild does nothing much)

How about if you just disable the SpamSieve Mail extension in Mail’s settings?

I don’t recommend doing that. Usually it just introduces new problems without fixing anything.

Is there more than one Mac accessing this mail account? Do you have any rules in Mail’s settings?