Apple software update disabled SpamSieve!

Thanks Michael - that worked
Thanks Michael - that worked

SpamSieve 2.9.5 has shipped with a fix for Security Update 2012-004 (Snow Leopard), so the pre-release version of SpamSieve is no longer necessary.

Hi there. I have installed the latest SpamSieve update - 2.9.5 and all email is being moved to the Spam folder On My Mac.
I cannot Train As Good either. It just remains in my Spam folder.

I have re-started my Mac after the update was applied.

Any suggestions?


Please see the Why is every message going to the Spam mailbox? page.

What does the log say when you “Train as Good”?

This looks fine

This is what is indicated in the log:

Mistake: False Positive
Subject: Arcam Product Registration Confirmation
Identifier: Hqzg+Svu6a2oikM0d/YrQQ==
Classifier: Bayesian
Score: 73
Date: 2012-09-22 14:29:04 +0000

Your issue does not seem to be related to the update, so please contact me via e-mail and include your SpamSieve log file.