There is utility Paparazzi to convert url and webarchive to PDF single page.
There is a script to work with safari url.
tell application “Safari”
set theURL to URL of front document
set theTitle to name of current tab of window 1 as text
end tell
tell application “Paparazzi!”
launch hidden
set minsize to {1024, 768}
capture theURL min size minsize
repeat while busy
– To wait until the page is loaded.
end repeat
save as PDF in (POSIX path of “/Users/z/Dropbox/Google/1 INBOX/Eaglefiler_inbox/Files/”) & “/” & theTitle & “.pdf”
end tell
It looks like Paparazzi is creating a fresh PDF from the Web page, not converting a Web archive. If that’s what you want to do, you can just have EagleFiler import the URL in single page mode:
tell application "EagleFiler"
tell library document 1
set _url to ""
import URLs {_url} Web page format PDF single page format
end tell
end tell
Or you could set the format in EagleFiler’s preferences and then paste all the URLs into the Import URLs… window.
No its not what i want. Paparazzi can capture webarchive with simple drag n drop or open in and save it as PDF or Image… i jast need to do the script with paparazzi.
in safari paparazzi script is
tell application “Safari”
set theURL to URL of front document
set theTitle to name of current tab of window 1 as text
end tell
tell application “Paparazzi!”
launch hidden
set minsize to {1024, 768}
capture theURL min size minsize
repeat while busy
– To wait until the page is loaded.
end repeat
save as PDF in (POSIX path of “/Users/z/Dropbox/Google/1 INBOX/Eaglefiler_inbox/Files/”) & “/” & theTitle & “.pdf”
end tell
Eaglefiler script jast geting path to pdf, and paparazzi can create pdf to cpecific path, but my skills is LOW level to this))) I can pay to somebody to make this))