Recently I changed my tags from all lowercase to capitalized or pascal/camel case, mainly for better readability, especially in the tag cloud.
However, when I first tried to apply a capitalized tag via typing and auto-completion, I noticed that the completion system does not respect the CaseSensitiveTagCompletion=NO setting.
An example:
Up to the first two characters, everything seems normal: eligible tag strings appear in the list, and one is highlighted and ready for insertion:
After further narrowing, the system fails:
It still correctly matches 2 tags as eligible, but none of them is selected or ready for insertion. Apparently this is caused by the case difference of the first char in my typed string and in the matched strings.
Since this makes auto-completion pretty much meaningless for anything other than all lowercase tags, I strongly suspect that this is a bug. (I can manually select from the matches by pressingDown Arrow, but that’s very clunky.)
I don’t know if it’s always been like this, or when the problem first appeared, because I haven’t used EF much in the last few years (and all my tags were lowercase anyway).