Date Modified gets date of import


On sunday i found EagleFiler and put all my Files from Finder via F1 in.
On Monday i realized that EagleFiler changed the “Date Modified” fields from the original date to the import date on all the imported files.
Thanks to TimeMachine all my files are back, because i need the original “Date Modified”.
Why does EagleFiler change the “Date Modified” during import, import should not change any attributes of the files.
How to switch this behavior off ?



I’m not seeing that behavior on my Mac. Are you sure it’s the importing that did that? Which version of EagleFiler do you have? Editing the file (or its title) within EagleFiler will update the date modified, however, importing should preserve both the modification and creation dates.

It only happens if the imported files come from a network share of another Mac.
Importing files from local filesystem keep the “Date Modified”.


Aha. This seems to be a bug in the OS-provided file copying code that EagleFiler is using. I’ll try to find a workaround. Thanks for the report.

The issue with modification dates and network volumes is fixed in EagleFiler 1.4.

modification date still changed to the date of import with EF 1.8
I confirm that there is still a big problem of modification date changed to the date of the import with eaglefiler 1.8
The database and folders and files are located on a NAS disk mounted with smb or afp.
It makes eagle filer unusable as modification date is really precious piece of info

sorry Michael, problem still exists when eaglefiler folder is on a NAS disk (connected with afp or smb)

Thanks for the report. What kind of NAS do you have, and what file system does it use? Which version of macOS are you using?

I think this is ultimately either an OS or NAS bug because EagleFiler doesn’t do anything with the modification date; it just asks the OS to copy the file. However, I will try to find a workaround or a way that EagleFiler could try to restore the date after the copy. Please contact me via e-mail if you’d like to help test this.

A workaround that you could try yourself is to use an encrypted library. Then the contents of the library would be protected from the NAS on a disk image.