Default settings for columns

hi! dimwitted n00b question : is there a way to make my settings for which columns i want to see and hide and where i want them and how i want the records to be sorted, the default?

EagleFiler remembers the settings for the columns automatically. Each library has its own settings which are restored the next time you open it. If you create a library, it will get settings to match the last time you changed the column settings (in another library).

thanks but but when i open a new browser window of the same library it has different settings for the columns.

EagleFiler remembers the column state separately for each window. For example, if you always open a library and then open a second window for it, the first window and the second window can have different settings. The next time you open the library, that will be preserved. If you want EagleFiler to forget the per-window settings, you can close the library and delete the State.plist file inside the .eflibrary package. Then when you open the library the first window will use the last-saved settings (for any library), and the second window will match whatever you set in the first window, etc.

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ah very clear! thank you :slight_smile: it was driving me bonkers!