Delete Tags

How can I delete a Tag

In the main EagleFiler browser window, you can select a tag in the source list and press Delete. You can also do that in the Tags inspector. These will remove the tag from all the records in the library.

Regards, Peter Evans

Hi, I’m currently in the EagleFiler trial period and came here searching for how to delete tags.
Now I realize this is embarrassing, but selecting a tag and pressing “Delete” does nothing, neither does it seem to work in the Tags inspector.
Has something changed or am I simply not up to it?

Thank you!

I just tested this, and both worked fine. Which version of macOS are you using? Also, please note that the built-in tags like unread and flagged are not deletable. If that’s not the issue, please send in a diagnostic report right after the deletion fails.

@Michael_Tsai - thanks and sorry for the bother - that was the crucial information. :slight_smile:
I shifted the built-in tags into a “Useless Stuff” folder, because for me they just cluttered things up, but once I make more use of EagleFiler I might revive them.

Thanks again!!

I don’t understand this post. I would like to delete the “unread” tag. Or hide it or something. (There is nothing in my library that is “unread” because nothing gets added to the library without being read first.) So that is clutter to me.

Which part do you not understand? Currently, the unread tag cannot be deleted. You can hide it by dragging it inside of another tag; you could then collapse that tag and it would no longer show up in the source list. Perhaps in a future version I can add a way to hide it directly.

Thank you Michael. That cleared up my confusion. It was the phrase “shifted the built-in tags into a “Useless Stuff” folder” that was unclear to me.