We run a holiday rental and frequently receive scam messages. These messages are sent via the website of our advert host, rather than directly from the scammer’s email.
The platforms hosting our advert provide us with the fraudulent email addresses, which I add to the SpamSieve blocklist. However, we face an issue when scammers use the advert host’s system to send messages. In these cases, the fraudulent address appears in the message as the reply-to address, but SpamSieve does not detect it.
I hope this makes sense—please let me know if I need to clarify further.
This is an unfortunate situation that they’re not really spam messages but rather legitimate messages, sent from your own server, which have spammy content.
In any event, the SpamSieve blocklist does support blocking based on the Reply-To (address) location. Here’s a script that you can use to automate it.
Thanks for the quick reply!
I think I figured out how to install it but how do I use it?
For example, if you install it in the script menu you would use it by selecting a message in Mail and then choosing Apple Mail - Block Reply-To from the script menu.
It would be great if the block list rules included this feature. However, that would require the ability to apply multiple rules to the same address, similar to how Apple Mail rules work.
I’m not sure what you mean here. This script is creating blocklist rules, and it is possible to have more than one rule for the same address.
I was thinking about apple mail rules which can contain multiple conditions
Is there something similar for Outlook? (The “new” Outlook, Version 16)
Why do you need multiple conditions to match a Reply-To header?
Not currently, but maybe I can write one if this would be useful to you.
I could both block messages from this address if they are not sent via a legitimate address and block the possibility of replying.
That would be awsome!
Could you give a specific example?
I imported a list of scammer addresses and I would like each address to be blocked as spam if a scammer writes to me directly and I would also like me not to be able to reply to him at this address if he goes through the service that hosts my rental ad. Currently if I click on a line in the block list, there can only be one rule. I must be mistaken, but I imagine a rule with two conditions: block the message from (email address) AND prevent replying to (same email address).
There are certainly hundreds of reasons why my idea is stupid…
The blocklist controls whether SpamSieve moves the messages to Junk or Trash. It doesn’t prevent you from replying to the message if you do find it in one of those places and click Reply.
If you want to block the same address whether it appears in the From or the Reply-To you can do that with two separate single-condition rules.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Teach SS the concept of a disguised URL