Drone AppleScript and apple mail set up

Hello, sorry for a stupid question.
I have ver 3 installed.
I would like to set up my laptop as the drone.
I have the AppleScript and have created the Application.
Where does that app need to be located and if I run it on startup each time is that all I need to do for it to work?
I have tested in from AppleScript, it ran with no errors in Console and moved the two TrainGood messages to my Inbox.
Sorry, Im a bit of a novice with AppleScript.

The compiled App does NOT show in my AppleScript icon at the top of my screen, despite the setting being switched on in settings in AppleScript. ???

I recommend putting it in the Applications folder. Just make sure that both Mail and the Remote Training app are launched at startup.

That’s normal. The AppleScript menu shows script data files (not apps) that are saved in the folder ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail/. You don’t need to invoke this script from the menu because the app stays running in the background.

That’s really helpful. Thank you so much.


| Michael_Tsai Developer
February 8 |

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Where does that app need to be located and if I run it on startup each time is that all I need to do for it to work?

I recommend putting it in the Applications folder. Just make sure that both Mail and the Remote Training app are launched at startup.


The compiled App does NOT show in my AppleScript icon at the top of my screen, despite the setting being switched on in settings in AppleScript. ???

That’s normal. The AppleScript menu shows script data files (not apps) that are saved in the folder ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail/. You don’t need to invoke this script from the menu because the app stays running in the background.