Drone Set-up, AppleScripting Error 1728


I have successfully set-up SpamSieve to handle my 3 IMAP accounts and 1 Exchange account. I am attempting to set-up the Drone configuration. I have everything configured per the instructions with one exception; the AppleScript is giving an error as follows: "Mail got an error: Can’t get account “Account 1”. "number -1728 from account “Account 1”.

The only change I made to the AppleScript, apple-mail-remote-training.scpt is add my email account names from the description fields of Mail > Preferences > Accounts. Here is the modified portion:

 on accountNamesForDrone()
     -- Enter your account names here. If you have more than one, separate with commas: 
     {"Greene Consulting", "Greene Consulting (Info)", "iCloud", "JanesConsults", "WebCrisp"}
     -- The account name comes from the "Description" field in the Accounts tab of Mail's preferences.
     return {"Account 1"}
 end accountNamesForDrone

I am not an AppleScripting expert so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


It should instead look like this:

on accountNamesForDrone()
    -- Enter your account names here. If you have more than one, separate with commas: {"Account 1", "Account 2"}
    -- The account name comes from the "Description" field in the Accounts tab of Mail's preferences.
    return {"Greene Consulting", "Greene Consulting (Info)", "iCloud", "JanesConsults", "WebCrisp"}
end accountNamesForDrone

That is, modify the line that starts with “return” rather than the comment lines beginning with “–”.

Ha, ha, ha, how embarrassing. That did the trick. Thank you Michael. Great software, and I appreciate the quick support.
