This is my setting in the script where my actual email address name is entered (I just didn’t want to put it in this post so I put the word junk instead) - see below
on accountNamesForDrone()
– Enter your account names here. If you have more than one, separate with commas: {“Account 1”, “Account 2”}
– The account name comes from the “Description” field in the Accounts tab of Mail’s preferences.
return {“”}
end accountNamesForDrone
When I run it from the script editor, the result is “”
THis use to work. I have many mail messages in my iCloud account in a folder called TrainSpam which were moved there from iPhone etc.
This use to work. I have restarted mail and have rebooted.
Is there a reason that you are editing the script rather than using the stock version that automatically finds all your mail accounts to process?
Before running the script in Script Editor to test it, I recommend opening the Console app and starting a search for MJTLog
to see any errors that are reported. You may also want to temporarily set the pEnableDebugLogging
property to true
to see what the script is doing.
That is a great question.
I was using the stock version, but today, in trying to debug things, I decided to edit the script by putting in the iCloud account.
The only rule I have is the Remote Training rule and I noticed that if I select all the messages that were put in the Trainspam folder and run the rule manually, it seems to work.
Having said that, I will reinstall the stock version from your email below and open the console, etc. as per your instructions.
Thank you for responding,
You may hear from me again.
The rule runs the script, which looks in the TrainSpam and TrainGood mailboxes. There is no reason to select all the messages first; that just offers the chance of another rule unexpectedly processing them before the script sees them.
I installed the stock script in both locations and I ran if from the script editor from both locations and got the following. This was the error I saw this morning which is why I populated
Account 1 with my iCloud account.
This all worked fine until a few days ago, using the stock version.
I have no idea what changed.
I did not open the console because I think this is helpful enough for now.
I realize why you have said.
Please look at my latest email where the stock script is returning an error, run from script editor.
Messages were stuck in train spam folder for days, and yes, new emails were coming in during that time.
So the rule didn’t seem to be running (or maybe it was failing) when new messages arrived.
Something changed, maybe on Apples end.
If you are using the stock version of the script, you need to set the SpamSieve settings to move trained spam messages to the Junk mailbox:
Seems to be all fixed now, sorry to have bothered you. I had to re-enable the move to the Junk mailbox as you. Showed below.
Somehow it got unset.
I wil monitor to make sure it is still working.
Needless to say I am dependent upon spam sieve and the drones - I have two Macs, iPads iPhones and the drone is only running on my main iMAC.
Thank you,
When this stuff works, which is 99.9999 % of the time, it is simply wonderful.
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