I was previously using a different product to create my .dmg file and attach a license to it, but there is an issue with Dark Mode in Mojave. The Software License Agreement text appears black on the dark background and is hard to read. I just installed the trial version of DropDMG and it’s much better than what I was using, but I tried adding a test license file and I ran into the same issue.
Are there any configuration settings I can use to fix this? It seems that the formatting applies mostly to editing the font/colors/background image statically. Ideally, the text would show up black in Light mode and light grey/white in Dark Mode.
The color of the text at the left (“If you agree…”) is controlled by macOS rather than the disk image. I think it should switch to white text on a dark background when in Dark Mode and have filed a bug with Apple to this effect.
The color of the actual license text (“Test”) can be set in DropDMG. However, you will need to pick a color that looks good on both the white background of Light Mode and the gray background of Dark Mode, as macOS does not support auto-switching the foreground color.