Hi All:
I know this is not an issue with the totally incredible SpamSieve program, but I’m wondering if anyone else has run into this while running SpamSieve and has a suggestion???
Rather than keeping my older but otherwise fully functional MBP17" with the lid cracked open on the desk to enable its functionality as a drone running the awesome SpamSieve software, I’d prefer to put it into one of the beautiful BookArc stands in clamshell mode. With the lid cracked open, everything runs great 24/7 with Energy Saver settings of “Computer Sleep” = “Never” and “Display Sleep” = “3 minutes”. However, when I shut the lid the machine goes to sleep in ~30 seconds (the small white light in the right front of the machine goes from “off” with the lid open to continuously “on” immediately after the lid is closed to blinking/pulsing after half a minute), even if I am running SleepLess or Insomniax.
I would love to find a way to close the lid and put my machine in the BookArc, with the Display slept but the CPU running to enable SpamSieve Drone function 24/7. Can anyone help?
Thank you very much!
Running El Cap 10.11.2 on a 17" MacBook Pro (Early 2009).
There is no additional software running on the machine besides Mail 9.2 and SpamSieve 2.9.23 and the two attempts at sleep solutions listed below.
The only external cable plugged into the computer is the power cord, nothing else.
Software solutions:
SleepLess 2.9
Insomniax 2.1.8