Error 1000 after opening DMG made with DropDMG ..?

I notarized and signed my .dmg and verified that it was Ok.

I took it to a friends house on a USB stick to test-install and I launched it, and after agreeing the license, it gave me the error “1000”.
Any idea what this is and how I can navigate it?

I seem to remember it mentioning two factor authentication or something, not sure though.

I think it was this. Is this the Apple ID of the Mac that I tried to install on, or my Apple Developer ID ?

This error may occur if something went wrong when authenticating using Sign in with Apple

Error Code 1000 for Sign in with Apple refers to an unknown error that occurred authenticating your Apple ID. Please make sure that you have Two-Factor authentication enabled for your Apple ID.

Do you have a screenshot of the error? I wouldn’t expect mounting a disk image to have anything to do with two-factor or Sign In With Apple.

Which version of macOS were you using to mount the disk image?

I don’t have a screen shot, but now I remember these words were exactly what appeared on screen. Mac OS not sure. It was a 2022 purchase and Apple M1 chip.
# This error may occur if something went wrong when authenticating using Sign in with Apple

Error Code 1000 for Sign in with Apple refers to an unknown error that occurred authenticating your Apple ID. Please make sure that you have Two-Factor authentication enabled for your Apple ID.

If the disk image works fine on your Mac, most likely the problem is with the other Mac, not the .dmg file. I suggest that you try it again there to record more precisely what error is being reported. It’s also possible that macOS will report different information (or the process may even succeed) using the hdiutil mount in Terminal rather than double-clicking the .dmg file.

I found out that the dmg was in fact corrupted and thats why it was giving me the error 1000.

Anyway, I had another issue, perhaps you could comment on?
I tried the installer out on another Mac (14.3 Sonoma), and it launched OK, but the icons were all out of place, and the dragging operations did not work, even though my symlinks were correct.

In my prep folder I have


I drag them all in afresh into the layout window. Then of course I drag the prep folder parent folder onto the DropDMG. It looks OK on my Mac but not the other Mac.
The symlinks are correct because when they are clicked on, Finder opens at the right place.

Why would the layout look very different, and the dragging not work?

Are you sure you are testing the same file? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a case where the same .dmg file showed the icons in different places on different Macs.

If the symlinks open the right folder but dragging doesn’t work, that suggests that the symlinks are correct but that the current user doesn’t have write access to the folder on that Mac.

If you share some screenshots and/or the .dmg file (via private message, if you want) perhaps I can get a better idea of what’s happening here.

thanks, I’ll DM you. (I am using v 3.6.6 by the way)
edit: I just updated , since I see you fixed some layout issues in .7

Thanks for the follow-up via PM. I’m glad to hear that with DropDMG 3.6.7 the icon layout is correct. Your symlinks are correct, but, as I said, the issue is that macOS requires authentication for the user to be able to copy to folders inside of /Library. If I open the folder directly and try to drag into it, it prompts me for an administrator password. I guess Finder doesn’t know to do that when dropping onto a symlink.

If I run with root access will this solve the issue ?

No because the issue is with the permissions that the person using the .dmg file has, on their Mac. Whereas the root access setting affects the access DropDMG has on the Mac creating the .dmg.

Ok, thanks for your help. :+1:
I had to create a .pkg instead. This worked.