I’ve been using SpamSieve for a few years, but I’m dealing with an issue now that is getting frustrating. I can’t remember how long it’s been this way, so I can’t pin down what change would have impacted SpamSieve. Here’s my Rules window, or part of it, below:
Note that the “Spam Returns” filter is my own, and not from SpamSieve. I set that up because I still get emails bounced back to my email from when I dealt with an issue with someone using my email as a "From: " in spam.
Here’s what’s happening: ALL my filtered spam email is going into my Spam box, and NONE of it is going into Junk. I started with all my filtered spam going into Spam, until I could check things over and verify it was doing a good job. Then I started moving the highest spam count categories into Junk. Over time, as I was sure the next level was working and not picking up false positives, I’d change the next lower category to dump it’s results in Junk.
As of now, only the last one, Yellow, is supposed to deposit spam into my Spam folder. The rest is supposed to dump it in Junk.
Seeing as I get up to 500-1,000 pieces of spam in a day (I am NOT exaggerating!), this is critical to me to be able to dump as much spam directly into Junk AND mark it as read as I can.
But now all spam goes into Spam and stays and stays marked as unread. (I’m not sure if this is a new issue with Apple Mail, since I’m finding other filters seem to perform one action and not do the others in that step. I do NOT mean that it stops at the end of a particular filter because I check “Stop Evaluating Rules.” I mean it stops in the middle of a rule, right after Step 1 and not performing the other steps.)
Here’s my rules for the first Spamsieve filter (sorry, forum only lets me post one image!):
If any of Every Message Move Message to mailbox: Spam
This is the SpamSieve [Score] filter:
If any of Every Message Move Message to mailbox: Spam
And for the SpamSieve [Blue] filter:
If any of Every Message Move Message to mailbox: Junk
Mark as Read
Mark as Flagged Gray
Note that the Gray, Purple, Red, and Orange filters are the same, other than the flag they are to use. (And, yes, these filters are completely finished - the emails are flagged as they should be.)
My SpamSieve [Yellow] filter:
If any of Every Message Move Message to mailbox: Spam
Mark as Read
Mark as Flagged Orange
And my Spamsieve [Spam] filter:
If any of Every Message Move Message to mailbox: Spam
Mark as Read
It looks to me like it should dump everything but the Yellow rated spam into Junk, but it’s dumping it all into Spam and leaving it marked unread, so I end up, in a few days, with thousands of emails in that folder.