Finding particular kinds of Evernote note attachments in EagleFiler eg all PDFs

Hi folks,

I’d be grateful for some advice on the following please:

How does one search for any imported Evernote note that has a certain kind of attachment or an attachment with a certain text string as part of its name please?

Can I find just notes that had a PDF attached to them where the PDF’s document name has a particular partial text string?
Can I find just notes that have a PDF attached to them where the PDF’s internal text has a particular partial text string?

Is it possible to create a smart folder that only displays imported notes that have an attachment associated with them?

Is it possible to search in EagleFiler within a particular metadata type such as “Source URL”?

Is it possible to search in EagleFiler for an Evernote ToDo checkbox that is unchecked (for incomplete)? or that is checked as completed?

Is it possible to search in EagleFiler for text that was yellow highlighted within Evernote prior to being imported into EagleFiler?

Regards and thanks,

If the Evernote note only contained an attached PDF file, EagleFiler will import it as a regular PDF file, and then both the name and internal text will be searchable with an Anywhere search.

If the Evernote note contained a mixed of text and attached files, EagleFiler imports that as a Rich Text With Attachments (RTFD) file. In that case, the name and contents of the attached files are not searchable, although that’s planned for a future version.

Yes, you could look for Filename ends with .rtfd because notes without attachments are imported as regular .rtf files.

Yes, an Anywhere search will consider the source URL. And you can also separately search this field from a smart folder.

Checkboxes are imported as [ ] or [x]. Because they are punctuation, they are not indexed for searches across multiple records, so you could only find them when searching within a particular record using the Find panel.

However, there are esoteric preferences for changing how the checkboxes are imported. For example, if you enter these commands in Terminal:

defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler EvernoteToDoUnchecked "[YourUncheckedValue]"
defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler EvernoteToDoChecked "[YourCheckedValue]"

when you relaunch EagleFiler and import from Evernote, it will instead import them as [YourCheckedValue] or [YourUncheckedValue]. You can change these to whatever you want. And then, because they are made of word characters, you could then search for YourCheckedValue with an Anywhere search.

It is not possible to search by text formatting attributes in EagleFiler. You might be able to do that by opening the RTF file that EagleFiler created using Nisus Writer.

This is now possible in EagleFiler 1.9.2 (currently in public beta). The change takes effect for files imported after updating EagleFiler or for old records if you rebuild your library’s index by holding the Command and Option keys when opening the library.

Brilliant Michael, thanks!