icloud drive, shared library, ipad, Readdle Documents

hi, in section 8.2 of EF manual - how can i put my library in my iphone - you recommand Readdle Documents that i bought some time ago. I moved the library file and the relative folders into icloud drive. It’s not clear to me how Readdle Documents can manage the “library”.
Please can you explain this point?


I’m not sure what you mean by “manage.” The manual is talking about how you can use Readdle Documents to view and search the files in your EagleFiler library, for example by syncing with Dropbox. Is your library in Dropbox?

no michael, i was using icloud. now i move the library index and relative folders to dropbox and RD can view the folders structure (and a synchro option is available). But RD can just perform searching tasks in the folders like finder does in the mac finder, or am i wrong? Or can RD do more then this, i mean add files to the library’s file folder so EF - mac side - can indexing them all as usual? Something else?

-ciao, marco.

Yes, for example Readdle Documents can edit text files and create new ones. It can also move/copy downloaded files into the EagleFiler library folder so that EagleFiler will import them.

thank you