Junk mail in Unknown advertising folder

On my macbook pro I use OS 11.2.3 and the Apple mail program: Mail. Junk mail usually ends up in the Spam mailbox, but it also happens occasionally that it ends up in the Unknow advertising folder. How can I avoid that?

That’s probably due to a server junk filter. It’s best if you can turn that off. Otherwise, you could set up this script to make SpamSieve filter messages that are outside of the inbox.

Dear Michael,
The explanation “Apple Mail - Server Junk Mailbox” explains what to do if you have 1 account, but what should you do if you have multiple accounts?


For example, if you have one account called Account 1 and want to process its Junkmailbox, you would use:

on accountAndServerJunkMailboxNames()
    return {{"Account 1", {"Junk"}}}
end accountAndServerJunkMailboxNames

If you have two accounts with Junk mailboxes to filter, you would use:

on accountAndServerJunkMailboxNames()
    return {{"Account 1", {"Junk"}}, {"Account 2", {"Junk"}}}
end accountAndServerJunkMailboxNames

Hi Michael,
Thanks, my problem has been solved.


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