Latest Update Issue

Just updated to SS 3.1.
Running an intel Mac with Sonoma 14.6.1.
After the update if I try and tag an email as spam using the menu bar icon, SS instruction manual launches?

No idea why that is happening, but now I can’t tag anything spam unless I use the key combination with does still work.

Any idea?


SpamSieve 3.1 includes a change where training from the Message menu, either in the menu bar or in the menu bar icon, opens the help if there is nothing in a SpamSieve window to train. This is because previously people would get confused, thinking they were supposed to go to SpamSieve’s Message menu to train something in Apple Mail.

The menu training commands at the top of the menu bar icon (and in the Dock icon):

should still work the same way as before. These are available when you’re in Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook.

Hi Michael:

I am using apple Mail……but I don’t see these menu commands you show?

All I have is this:

When I pick “Train as Spam” the help menu pops up?

Obviously, I am a bit confused.

Neither of the menu option you show below appear in my Mac?


They’re at the top of the menu:

OK…that works.
Obviously that sub menu has issues…in my humble opinion.
Thanks for clearing that up…


I think you’re right that the behavior of the Icon Menu ‣ Messages training commands when SpamSieve is not frontmost inadvertently changed. I wasn’t really thinking that people would use those rather than the more accessible commands at the top level. It should be possible to bring back the old behavior in the next update.


I have been using SS for, must be, 5-10 years. At least it feels that long.
Anyhow, that was the previous method (Using those sub menus) besides those option that were in the actual MAIL menu itself in the past.
I think this was a better place for them, but understand why you had to move them.
Old habits die hard…

Thanks again…
