Today’s update on the mac app store is damaged. I have deleted and re-downloaded 3 times to no avail. As I cannot do my work without it, I have downloaded a trial copy from C-Command and am using that for the moment.
For anyone with a mac app store version, I would recommend not updating till this is fixed.
Thanks for the report. The Mac App Store version is working fine on my Mac, and I have not heard other reports of problems with it. Could you tell me which version of Mac OS X you’re using and what happens when you try to launch EagleFiler? Are there errors reported in Console?
If you had previously installed a working version from the Mac App Store, the direct sale version will find your Mac App Store receipt and run in purchased (rather than trial) mode.
Thanks for the response.
Earlier I made several more attempts to install from the app store and realised this was costing me more than just buying Eaglefiler direct. So that’s what I did.
I originally purchased the app store version in 2011 so after 5 years i didn’t mind buying it again. You can’t imagine the money I’ve given to Adobe in that time and I figure I have better value from Eaglefiler.