Mail Spotlight Importer for eml

The EagleFiler Spotlight mail importer does not populate Spotlight fields like kMDItemSubject and other mail specific fields.

The default /System/Library/Spotlight/Mail.mdimporter does this for .emlx files.
MailMate’s spotlight importer does for .eml files.

It would be good if EagleFiler’s importer fully understood .eml files.

The Spotlight fields of interest include: kMDItemSubject, kMDItemPrimaryRecipientEmailAddresses, kMDItemAuthors, kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses.

As a workaround, I have deleted EagleFiler’s importer and copied MailMate’s to /Library/Spotlight.

Yes, a rewrite of the Spotlight importer for .eml files is in the works. The current one no longer has its full feature set due to changes that Apple made to Spotlight and sandboxing.

Thanks, I am looking forward to a new importer.