I am subscribed to various (too many ha ha!) email lists and am in the process of removing myself from some of them. I have noticed that I have hundreds of allowlist rules similar to this from the Log flie:
Rule Change: Added allowlist rule (252,723 total): List-Unsubscribe is equal to “mailto:3001_365719_29696868_f30519ff302908fcdaf8b72ba0ce884@us.unsubscribe.e-activist.com, https://us.engagingnetworks.app/page/unsubscribe?q=3001&c=29696868&p=0&b=365719&hash=f30519ff302908fcdaf8b72ba0ce884”.
The ones i know that I want, I have either created an entry in the address book or a specific address based allowlist rule and those are accurately working.
The rules like the one above which are auto created and appear to be message specific, not address specific (although I can’t decipher the details) seem like they are unnecessary and not useful. Can auto creation of “List-unsubscribe” rules be prevented, or is it not worth bothering with?
It’s not worth bothering with. For many lists, the List-Unsubscribe is list-specific and so can be quite useful. A future version of SpamSieve will clean up the message-specific ones automatically.