I’m using SpamSieve 3.1 on Mac OS Sequoia and Apple mail. I have multiple mail accounts including some IMAP accounts, Google, Outlook (exchange) and iCloud.
The spam messages training seems to be working fine. Apparently most of spam are being moved to thet junk/spam folder for each mail account.
The issue here only happens with Google and Exchange accounts. When some good messages are captured and placed into their respective spam folders and I select the “train as good” option for that message the following happens:
On Google Spam folder the message returns to the iCloud inbox instead of Google Inbox. I went through the configuration instructions again and it all seems to be set as instructed.
On Exchange spam folder the message isn’t moved to any Inbox at all. It simply disappears. I try and search for it using both mail and spotlight search but the message is not found.
Thanks for the reply. All the instructions have been followed as the links you’ve sent. Attached you can see both GMAIL and EXCHANGE configurations (they’re in Portuguese but I think you can identify the settings).
The issue is happening anyways. Maybe I’ve missed something but it seem to be configured as shown on the instructions.
Those look fine to me. To look into this some more, please click this link to enable some additional debug logging. Then train a message as good so that it goes to the wrong inbox, use the Save Diagnostic Report command in the Help menu, and send me the report file, as described here.
Ok. Just sent the report by e-mail. Some points to add:
The e-mail received from the C-forum on my G-mail account has been placed on the Gmail’s Spam folder. So I trained it as good and it was moved to iCloud’s Inbox.
Regarding the Exchange account: I’ve just received a mail from “Depositphotos” and it’s been moved directly to the Exchange’s Spam folder as expected. As a test I’ve trained this message as good and it’s disappeared from the spam folder but has never returned to Exchange’s Inbox. Spotlight can’t find it as well.
There is one more issue on the Exchange Account I’ve noticed now. I’ve received and e-mail on my exchange account’s inbox from DELL COMPUTERS and have first trained it as spam and so it’s been sent to exchange’s spam folder, then in the spam folder I’ve just trained this same message as good but instead of returning to the origin inbox (or even disappears as the original issue) it just kept bouncing back to exchange’s spam folder (I think I’ve repeated this procedure 5 or 6 times). When I click “train as good” it first disappears but then it reappears in the same place (exchange’s spam folder).
This message was moved there by Gmail’s spam filter, not SpamSieve. You can see this from the message color. So it was not a SpamSieve mistake and does not need to be trained as good. You might want to turn off Gmail’s filter or use the rescue setup if it keeps misbehaving.
The reason SpamSieve moved it to the iCloud inbox seems to be that you have configured Mail to list the Gmail address as belonging to your iCloud account. In order for SpamSieve to find the right inbox, the aliases need to be correct in Mail’s Settings ‣ Accounts ‣ Account Information window. I recommend going to the Email Address menu for the iCloud account and removing the Gmail address there.
The issue here seems to be that your Exchange account’s inbox has a non-standard name on the server (Caixa de Entrada). Since SpamSieve didn’t recognize it, it asked Mail to move the message to the special inbox mailbox. This normally works, but in this case something went wrong. (It’s not clear what, since Mail didn’t report an error.)
I should be able to make some adjustments in the next version of SpamSieve to prevent this from happening, and I’ll post a link here when a beta version is ready. In the meantime, if you need to train an Exchange message as good, please move it to the inbox first.
When everything is resolved, you can click here to turn off the extra debug logging.
I don’t understand—why are you training the same message as both spam and good?
I’ve adjusted the alias on iCloud account (haven’t noticed that before) and it’s worked fine.
I’ve renamed the Exchange account to the e-mail address itself and it worked as well.
The issue of training the message as spam and then retraining it as good was intended to create the error scenario of the disappearing messages on Exchange account I was reporting as there wasn’t any spam message on the spam folder at that time. Maybe It was a forced error.
Thank you once again. Everything working fine now.
In the future, if you would like to test things, it’s better to drag the message to Junk and train it as good than to train a non-spam message as spam.