Minor feature request

I commend you on actively supporting this software, was wondering if we can have an option to show the amount of spam caught as the badge on SpamSieve as opposed to just “good” messages. I also noticed that since 3.x SpamSieve when it filters “junk” it automatically goes to the junk folder and there is no option to define the landing folder on automatic filtering. I tend to use a specific folder for junk when SpamSieve catches to determine how to best train the bayesian filter.

Do you mean that you want to see two numbers in the Dock? Or change the current one to show spam messages?

Apple’s new Mail extension system doesn’t allow choosing custom mailboxes. However, you can still use separate mailboxes if you want. For example, you could make a new mailbox called SpamSieveSpam and set that as the special Junk mailbox in Mail. And then whatever your current Junk mailbox is will reappear under its original name and still receive the spam messages caught by your server filter.

Yeah basically have an option to inverse that badge number, support both variations of that badge. I have a self hosted setup with spam assassin which does a fairly good job but now the filtered messages are intermixed and it is hard to spot when SpamSieve moves mail to junk.

Also on the second bullet point, sad that the API does not allow it.

Thanks for the swift response.

Noted, thanks.

Could you explain a bit more about this? You can control whether the SpamSieve and SpamAssassin messages go to the same or different mailboxes. And the SpamSieve ones are normally distinguished by their background color. It’s not clear to me what the Dock number would do for you here.

You are right since I could craft some mail rules to do so, move SA junk to a different mailbox. Used to the old behavior of SP where it moved junk to a specific directory you defined.

As I was saying above, you can still define which mailbox SpamSieve uses by what you set as the special Junk mailbox in Mail, so SA rules shouldn’t be necessary (though you can certainly do that if you want).