Moving from Outlook 2011 to Postbox - Preserve existing rules?


I’m going to dump Outlook 2011 and begin using Postbox v4.08.

I’ve had SS installed Outlook for years, and was wondering if I can preserve all that great training! SpamSieve works great in my existing set up - I deal with virtually no junk mail.

Also, I see that Postbox has a Spam filter of its own. Do I need to use SS at all? Or, if I install or move SpamSieve, do I need to disable the filter in Postbox?

thanks for your guidance!

OSX Mavericks 10.9.5

Yes, this will happen automatically if you just follow the Postbox setup instructions.

Perfect. Thank you for your quick response!

I love and trust SpamSieve and I pity my poor, ignorant friends, who are crippled by the volume of junk mail they receive, yet ignore my recommendation “You should get SpamSieve”.

Thanks Michael!