Need to separate Porn email from other Junk (spam email)

I am an extremely pleased user. I monitor 9 email accounts and one has been compromised so to speak in that it gets 100’s of porn emails a day. Fortunately spam sieve catches those and other spam emails and moves them to the junk folder on iCloud. All good. What I’d like is a method to move messages from that junk folder, to another, new junk folder on the server dedicated to messages received by that one compromised email account. I have looked here: SpamSieve AppleScripts for some ideas, but am soliciting advice as to the best way to implement my solution, or perhaps a better solution. Right now it is painful to review the one junk folder for “legitimate items” because of the amount of porn.
Thank you in advance,
Jonathan Liss

The messages are already separated into their own mailbox in that account. I think it will work better to adjust how you view them than to physically move them to yet another mailbox. For example, you could make that mailbox a favorite in Apple Mail and mark all the messages as read before reviewing the contents of the combined All Junk mailbox.

Or you could create a smart mailbox that shows the contents of all the Junk mailboxes except the one, and use that instead of All Junk.

You are absolutely correct. I got lost in the forest w/o realizing the individual junk boxes were already parsed. Sorry for the trouble. I do wish though, there were a way to have spam sieve recognize porn to put in a separate junk folder. It must be recognizing the porn to be able to mark it as spam. The messages tend to be the same, but the sender fake name is different.