New computer: licensing

I have replaced my main computer and want to use SpamSieve on the new one (I have been using it on my old computer). I downloaded it and entered the license info, but now it tells me that my copy is licensed for only one computer or one person, and gives me the option to purchase it again. I’m the same person who was using it on my old computer…

How do I get it to work on my new computer? Do I need to un-authorize it on my old computer?

Note: I don’t need info on moving files; I figured fresh computer, I’d start with fresh training.


If it says “Thank you for purchasing SpamSieve” at the top of the window, that means it accepted the license and you’re all set. The Purchase Online button is there in case you want to upgrade to a family license or add more seats, but it sounds like that’s not needed in your case.

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Thank you!!!