No Hits?

I have been using Spamsieve for years – and simply trusted it :-)!
Now I happen to see that in my statistics there are NO HITS.
All hits on zero.

What does this mean?
Do I do anything wrong?
Thank you !!

Are you referring to where it says Hits in the Blocklist window? Or to Filtered Mail in the Statistics window? Something else?

Which mail client are you using?

Wiow ! Thanks Michael for quick response.

I am on an iMac underVentura 13.3.1. using Apple Mail.
And YES: I am referring to where it says Hits in the Blocklist window?

They’re probably not all zero. You can click on the Hits column header to sort by hits and find any rule that has more than zero.

It’s normal for most of them to be zero, though, because:

  • The blocklist is not the only way that SpamSieve identifies messages as spam. You can see in the Statistics window how many spam messages it has caught in total.

  • When you train a message as spam, SpamSieve adds its sender to the blocklist, but many of these names/addresses will not send you any more spam messages, so any particular rule might never be used.

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