Hi. I just downloaded SpamSieve and had a few questions.
I’m want to confirm that messages in my Junk folder were put there by SpamSieve. Am I right in assuming that’s what the grayish color indicates?
I primarily use two Macs, one at home and one at work. The thing is, I don’t usually have either of them running 24 hrs. a day. Since SP is running on the local client, does that mean I have to have it running at all times? I read the bit about having it on two Macs. Couldn’t SP store the training data on my iCloud Drive and share it with other copies running on other machines?
What’s the difference between the Extension and Plugin. I read the description, but I’m not clear on why there’s two choices and which I should use.
So far, it seems to be doing a phenomenal job. Between the election and me signing up for every AI service under the sun, I get 20-30 spam a day. SP appears to have all but eliminated it. Thanks!