Parsing tags from text files added to EagleFiler


I’m using Pinboard as my read later-service. The reason I have chosen Pinboard over Instapaper, Pocket and other dedicated read later-services is that I can use Pinboard’s description field to save highlights from the article and add my own annotations. Using Ifttt, I can then create text files on my Dropbox account. Right now, the recipe I use save files that looks like this:

# What it's like when the FBI asks you to backdoor your software
> The difference now, she explained, was her experiences at BlackHat. Among those, Sell pointed to a BlackHat event where Thomas Cross demonstrated how to break into lawful intercept machines—or wiretaps. "It was very clear that a backdoor for the good guys is  always a backdoor for the bad guys."

> "I'm not against helping law enforcement, but the most important thing to me is protecting my friends and family the best way I know how," said Sell. She suggested that the NSA and other agencies go back to a model where individuals are targeted, instead of monitoring all communications and sorting it out later. "There are plenty of ways to track people without trampling human rights," she said.
*via Pinboard*
*Tags: integrity, internet, encryption, hl*
*January 09, 2014 at 10:20PM* 

Right now, I just leave these files in the Finder. But I would like to add them to EagleFiler and automatically have the tags in the text file used as tags in EagleFiler as well. Is it possible to write a script that does that? If the script also could exclude “hl” from the tags it would be even better. That tag is what I use to trigger the Ifttt recipe.


Yes, it’s certainly possible to write a script that looks for that line, splits the tags by the comma, and then assigns those tags in EagleFiler.