I saw some earlier threads about Spamsieve no longer being functional in Postbox. In one thread Michael responded that he contacted Spamsieve users regarding Postbox 6 incompatibilty but I must have missed it or I was not included. I searched through my email archive and nada.
I had some problems with Postbox 6 importing my old settings back in April when it was introduced so I went back to version 5 for a few months,. I finally updated today, and everything seemed to be working, until I saw some spam showing up in my inbox. I realized Spamsieve wasn’t installed…and after seeing the previous thread here, decided the Apple Mail “drone” workaround seemed too weird for me.
I will contact Postbox via their support team to add my request for Spamsieve compatibility but I wondered if anyone has heard anything more? If you read this Michael, how many of your users do you estimate use Postbox?
I have Airmail as a backup and use it for a few oddball email addresses but I prefer Postbox for work-related emails. And now that I have PB6 working I really don’t want to go back to 5.