I’m already on Together, but can’t get it to reliably sync data. I suspect this is iCloud’s fault and no the developer’s but there is no dropbox option, so I’m looking to jump ship to a similar product. EagleFiler has been on my radar for months, and I tried a demo many months ago (so can’t retry). Couple questions I have…
(my use case is a desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone)
1.) .eml search fom ios client?
If I were to store EF files on dropbox (and library file), but only instal the client on one computer, with the intention of accessing files directly through dropbox app on iOS, can I search and view .eml files that have been taken from email archives? I frequently need to reference emails in meetings, and mail.app is painfully slow for finding archived emails on a slow IMAP server. I realize this isn’t an EF app question so much as it’s a workflow question with EF at the center. Same question if I went with mbox archive, but I’m leaning towards eml method so I can open the file with a mail client and reply/forward that message from the archive.
2.) attachments with emails?
General question on email archiving… is there a way to save attachments with the emails? I’ve read that mbox files are text files, and I know .eml files are text files, so where do the attachments go? Do people who have an attachment-rich email archive prefer to export/archive messages as PDF’s with attachments in nested folder by date and message? Can EF do that?
3.) front end for iOS?
Since EF doesn’t have an iOS app, is there another app people use or can recommend to act as a “front end” for those dropbox files that belong to EF? That is, is there a Spotlight-like app for iOS?
4.) omnipresence
I’ve read the comparison to dropbox. From a real world standpoint, is anyone using OmniPresence over Dropbox? I use both for other apps…
The Dropbox iOS app can search filenames, but I don’t think it does full content searching.
EagleFiler does this automatically. Quoting the manual:
EagleFiler imports the entire raw source of the message, including the attachments and headers. In other words, all the information is preserved; if desired, the messages can be imported back into the mail program with full fidelity.
Mbox and .eml store the message data as it was sent through the network. The format looks like text, but it’s actually a structured format called MIME. The attachments are encoded as text, e.g. in Base64.
EagleFiler does not export the attachments like that, though it could store them if you used another app to export them. I think it’s best to store the original MIME source because any other method will potentially lose information.
I don’t think there’s anything like Spotlight for iOS. Editorial can sync with Dropbox and do full content searching (as well as editing) of text files. GoodReader can search text and PDF files. There are more apps listed here.
How about searching from iOS for emails archived as .eml or mbox? Since they are stored as text, seems reasonable, but perhaps someone knows of a third party app that might work (i.e. instead of pointing 3rd party mail app towards a server, point it at a mbox?)
I would recommend .eml since the messages could then be searched separately (since they are separate files). Also, iOS likely would have trouble with larger mbox files, as there is not much RAM available.
My intention was to replace Klammer
I’ve yet to test these features, will report back. There isn’t much documentation on these features fore iOS only the macOS version.
My intention was to replace Klammer
I’ve yet to test these features, will report back. There isn’t much documentation on these features fore iOS only the macOS version.
Support wrote me back to tell me that this recent support allows opening of EML files sent as attachments in email. I requested to allow for network files or cloud opening.
Together app
Well, it doesn’t really solve the issue of a EF-centric ecosystem, but the latest version of Together (by reinvented software) has an iOS app which renders .eml files very well (even allows click to view attachments).
So, EF is great on the desktop, but without companion mobile app. Together has both, but without much of the features of EF.