Problems in Yosemite got worst in El Capitan

I am a long time user of SpamSieve. When I upgraded to Yosemite, I noticed a slowness in flagging messages with SpamSieve, both spam and good ones incorrectly classified. Strangely enough, things got worst when I bought a new MBPRo 13" in June. And the situation became hopeless when I upgraded to El Capitan. Now I get beachballed whenever I try to flag a message. Things eventually get resolved after a few minutes. Sometimes not.

I include two samples, one for Mail and another for SS, taken by Activity Monitor during one of those tantrums induced by my flagging a message as spam. The same problem occurs when I try to correct a wrongly classified message in the spam folder.

Hope you can find a solution.

Sample of SpamSieve.txt (274 KB)

Sample of Mail.txt (515 KB)

Please see Faster Apple Mail Training.