Random delays and Yahoo mail issues

That sound like a Yahoo server issue, not an Outlook issue.

No, we’ve not heard any other reports of that happening, and the Legacy Outlook code should be well tested as it’s been around for a long time.

You could try using a Yahoo server rule instead of an Outlook rule to move new messages to InboxSpamSieve. That should prevent old messages from being moved.

As to the syncing, maybe there’s something wrong with the Yahoo portion of your Outlook database. You could try removing and re-adding the account in Outlook.

I’ve recreated teh Yahoo account twice. I’ll look into a server-side rule

Actually a server-side rule affects my android client as well. Can’t do that. I’ll convert to gmail IMAP and then try to deal with Yahoo if Gmail works well

Wouldn’t server and client rules affect the Android client equally, since all the clients are syncing the messages?

Point will taken but signing is the issue right now. Yahoo is behaving very badly. I’ll let you know. I’ll play with this.

This morning I sat down to an undisturbed outlook legacy. I carefully went through 3 accounts. The exchange was clean. The gmail (IMAP) was clean. The Yahoo, I marked 3 items as “Train as Spam” and it immediately started to reload. Keep in mind, I have the rule turned off so nothing is transfering. It’s just loading. This is not working. I can move the rule to the server and will try, but it seems Outlook Legacy with this large Yahoo inbox is not being handled well, perhaps by Outlook, but wherever the issue is, it’s not tenable… I’m getting the “create failed” messages again. I do not know what to do about this. If I move the rule to the server it may speed up the process. I will try this, but it seems that I will need to abandon this effort or find a new mail client. Outlook is also my primary calendar and contacts management.

It sounds like there’s something seriously wrong with your Outlook if you have no rules and simply moving a message out of the inbox triggers a big reload.

To narrow this down a bit more, you could try setting SpamSieve not to move messages to Junk Email when training as spam:

If that avoids the problem, then perhaps there’s another way you could get rid of the spam messages after training.

It’s also possible to use another client such as Apple Mail to do the filtering with SpamSieve while still using Outlook for its other features.

I can try that. Thanks for your patience. Using multiple mail clients can really eat up space.

Ok, I turned off moving in both directions. but I suspect this is an issue with either outlook or SpamSieve’s interaction with Outlook. Google is also being handled as IMAP and seems to be working. This change impacts all 3 of the accounts and I don’t really know what to do about it, since it basically removes the teeth from filtering. Now what am I looking for?

Also, when Yahoo reloads, it resyncs and has only a few folders. The create error seems to happens when it tries to create the missing folders like archive, bulk… Note that the account settings have the junkj folder as Bulk (server).

Well, now you can test them separately. Does the training part work properly? Does moving the message to Junk Email yourself work properly?

What does this error look like? Does it help if you choose a local mailbox for Junk in Outlook’s settings?

Just did some research. This is a known bug in Legacy Outlook. The workaround is New Outlook, but it lacks features that corporations need. You have been very patient with me and Microsoft has not stepped up. Can you suggest another approach for me where I can maintian my stuff but use another client/tool set atght is fully 365 compatible. I’ve been using office since the 90s. This will be a serious step for me.

The built-in Apple Mail, Contacts, and Calendar apps can work with Microsoft mail, contacts, and calendar services. I don’t know whether they have the specific features that you need. There are also third-party apps like Fantastical that have more advanced features. You could continue using New Outlook for your contacts and calendars (and possibly mail) while using Apple Mail with SpamSieve. Apple Mail can be set not to download all the old messages, so it wouldn’t necessarily eat up a lot of space.

It would be ok as long as I’m not duplicating the mail in both apps. I’ll look into this. I’m trying to set up Yahoo as a straight IMAP account instead of the defaults used by Outlook but I dont have high hopes for this.

I added Yahoo as an independent IMAP account. Outlook adds it as IMPA but apparently makes some assumptions. I chose “not Yahoo” and then picked IMAP/POP and used IMAP. Checked the default IMAP settings (correct) and it seems to be working. I turned on the rule. It just reset (I don’t think it’s the rule). I will turn it off to speed up the reload and leave it off for awhile to see what happens. SpamSieve is set to work normally but the rule is off so no transfers to the InboxSS folder. I’ll let you know.

Nope. It’s still screwed up and getting the errors. I’ll let you know if anything changes. I have a request into microsoft but their support on the MAC side is notoriously lacking.

Using Apple Mail to filter until I get a response from microsoft. What do I do with the InboxSpamSieve folders on the 3 accounts for now?

If you aren’t using SpamSieve with Outlook you can remove the InboxSpamSieve folders and associated rules.

I’m using Apple Mail to filter and letting it sync to Nw Outlook. Not a great approach but it will work for now. The main issue is that the junk folders have different names in the 2 apps. Thanks for your help. I know it’s your product and it seems very good.

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