I have EF Mail library stored on iCloud. I attempted to read an individual email using Files on iPhone running iOS 12.1. I can only see Subject but can not see any portion of message.
I have also tried using Readdle Documents and have also tried storing EF on DropBox.
What am I doing wrong or is this not possible? Thanks.
Do you mean that you were trying to via a .eml file? I think Files and Dropbox don’t understand that file type (even though it’s just plain text), and so they won’t preview it. You could rename it in Dropbox to end with .txt, and then it would be viewable. (Perhaps rename a copy so that EagleFiler doesn’t lose track of the .eml file.) As far as I can tell, Files does not let you change the filename extension when renaming.
Readdle Documents is able to view .eml files directly, in my experience.
Thanks for your very prompt response. I created a new EF library on iCloud and then tried to view an email in that library using Readdle Documents from my iPhone. I received the following Error message:
Unable to get directory contents. The operation couldn’t be completed. (RDVirtualFileSystemErrorDo-main error 8.)
I suggest asking Readdle about that. It sounds like an error downloading the file rather than viewing it.
According to Readdle, Documents does not read .eml files.
Documents supports playing or viewing multiple file formats:
File viewer: .pages, .keynote, .numbers, .doc/docx, .xls/xlsx, .ppt/pptx, .rtf, .rtfd, .epub, .txt, .htm/html, .webarchive; fb2;
PDF viewer: .pdf;
Text editor: .txt;
Image viewer: .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .xbm;
Movie viewer: .3gp, .l16, .m3u, .m4v, .mm, .mov, .mp4, .scm, .avi, .mkv, .flv;
Audio player: .aac, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .amr, .au, .l16, .m3u, .m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .mp3, .pcm, .wav, .flac;
Archiver: .zip, .rar.
It doesn’t have special support for decoding the e-mail format, but it can display them as plain text files.
my inquiry and response from Readdle tech support:
I have EagleFiler Mail stored on iCloud. Per developer of EagleFiler, should be able to display as plain text with Documents from iPad or iPhone. When I attempt, I get Error message: Unable to get directory contents. The operation couldn’t be completed. (RDVirtualFileSystemErrorDomain error 8.) EagleFiler developer says this is a Documents issue. Please advise.
Indeed, the .eml format is not supported in the current version of Documents. I’ve gone ahead and added your vote to the app wish list — when the feature is unlocked, we’ll be sure to let you know.
I’m not sure what happened, since it was working at the time of my last reply, but I just tried it with Documents, and it didn’t work. I hope they can restore that functionality.
You could also merge multiple .eml files into a mailbox file. The above-mentioned apps should see mailbox files as plain text, and if not it’s fine to name them with “.txt” in EagleFiler to ensure that they are viewable as text.