I noticed that a HTML file which I have added this morning doesn’t show up in the “Recently Added” Smart Folder. What could be the reason?
My EagleLibrary is located in the Files folder in iCloud Drive. I added the file by putting it directly into the appropriate folder in Finder on a second connected computer on which EagleFiler is not installed. Txt files added the same way showed up fine. Is that an expected behaviour?
Does the HTML file show up in EagleFiler’s window at all, e.g. under Records? When you add files directly to the Files folder EagleFiler detects them when the library is re-opened or when you use Scan for New Files.
The Recently Added smart folder should show the 25 most recently added files (according to the Date Added). You can adjust that number by entering a Terminal command like this:
defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler MaxRecentRecords 50
and restarting EagleFiler.