I am not sure whether it would be possible, and, if so, how. My scenario would be:
I select a file in EagleFiler -> Send it to LaunchBar -> Run an AppleScript, e.g. change title to file name
I tried but no success. Any workaround?
I am not sure whether it would be possible, and, if so, how. My scenario would be:
I select a file in EagleFiler -> Send it to LaunchBar -> Run an AppleScript, e.g. change title to file name
I tried but no success. Any workaround?
You can do something like this:
tell application “EagleFiler”
set selectedRecords to (get front browser window’s selected records)
set selectedRecord to item 1 of selectedRecords
get selectedRecord’s file as alias
then you have a file you can work with in your script.
When you use LaunchBar to send files to a script, it expects a script that has an open handler to receive the files. Most of the sample EagleFiler scripts do not have open handlers because they are designed to operate on the selected records of the frontmost window. To run this kind of script with LaunchBar, you can simply press the LaunchBar shortcut, type the name of the script, and press Return.