Is there a way to set the default destination in the Capture From … window? As it is, Open Library… is the default, and I then have to click on the dropdown menu to select my .eflibrary library under Open Recent. I’d like my .eflibrary to be the default destination.
You can control which libraries EagleFiler auto-opens on launch, and if you close a library you can use Open Recent to get back, but there is currently no way to automatically re-open a library after the app has been launched.
You could not close the library, i.e. leave the window open in the background, or minimize it to the Dock, or hide the EagleFiler app itself.
Or you could re-open the library using the pop-up menu or by clicking on it in the Dock.
For a future version, I’m looking into adding a way to specify a default library that would be auto-re-opened if you try to do something after closing all the windows.
okay; thank you.