Having the options to create a smart folder and choose files added today, yesterday, this week etc should be very useful for me. I know that Recently Added show me the last 25 files added but it is not as customizable as is the smart folders.
Michael, I know you’d like to add this feature to EagleFiler. Well,me too but… when?
There’s an esoteric preference for changing the 25 to another number, if that would help. More flexible date options for custom smart folders are a high priority, so I would say EagleFiler 2.0 or sooner.
Hello Michael, it’s been almost two years, is there any news about it?
It’s still planned for 2.0.
oook, we are currently testing 1.8 beta, is there an ETA for 2.0?
Yes, but I don’t share such plans publicly.
ok michael, keep the secret
talking about the max number of files showed in the Recently Added smart folder
please tell me how to
You can enter a command like this in the Terminal app:
defaults write com.c-command.EagleFiler MaxRecentRecords 50
and then restart EagleFiler.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for this tip.
Could this change affect speed of EagleFiler?
Could it slow down it?
I don’t think it would slow it down noticeably. EagleFiler only calculates the recent records when you click on that source, and it has to go through all of them, anyway, no matter how many recents it ends up showing.
Thank you very much!