I use SpamSieve on my iMac at home and Mac Mini at my office. No problems, works fine. I recently, installed it on my MacBook Pro and for the past week, all spam is going into my regular Junk folder in Apple Mail; nothing is going into the Spam (SpamSieve) folder that was set up. I’ve installed it correctly; I can’t find where I went wrong if I didn’t. I’ve had no problems with it on my other 2 Macs. Any ideas what is going on.
FYI, SpamSieve v2.9.17. Apple Mail plug-in is installed, Mail junk mail filtering is disabled, Spam folder and rule properly created.
Your mailbox is called Spam but Mail is treating it as the special Junk mailbox; you can fix this by making a new Junk mailbox using the Mailbox > Use This Mailbox As > Junk Mailbox command.
Thanks for the heads-up Michael. It’s not a server junk filter but upon closer inspection, I noticed all of the spam belongs to my Gmail account and showing up in the Junk folder for that account only. Would you know how to solve this?