Until the iCloud changes, I quite happily had all my Spamsieve-identified messages going to a Spam mailbox that I kept on the server side.
The iCloud changes screwed that up, so I followed the instructions to change the Spamsieve rule to use Junk as well and also used Message>SpamSieve - Change Settings to set this mailbox for spam as well.
I expected that when I selected all the messages remaining in Spam and identified them as such by using Message>SpamSieve - Train as Spam they would all move to Junk, but they’re staying put.
When I look in the log this is an example of what I see:
Trained: Spam (Manual)
Subject: Our doughnut masterclass, tips for going gluten-free, plus new salmon recipes
Identifier: 5vOBo6G7p2tnTl2rThPSHA==
Actions: already in Spam corpus (5077)
Date: 2015-05-13 16:01:32 +0000
So why aren’t they being moved?
Update: The SpamSieve rule is still moving incoming messages to Spam.