Hi there, few days ago, I was obliged to go on a clean install for my Macbook pro, and forgot to go the right way to import my data AND the sofwares I am running Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7, therefore I had to install my prefered softwares manually…
As I have been running SpamSieve for quite a while, I thought it would have been easy, peasy , and unfortunately it did not go well.
I have been running from the manual § as the issue is that the Apple Mail plug-in does not appear in the list, and have been fully following recommendations concerning Mac OS 10.15 resetting DataVaults.
I could turn-off SIP but could not find DataVaults folder in Data,
Any suggestion?
Best regards,
Yes, it should be easy. We’ve received no other reports of problems with macOS 10.15.7. I have confirmed that the DataVaults folder is in the same location as with previous versions. Please make sure that you look in the Library folder that’s in your user folder, not the top-level Library folder. You can easily get there (with SIP off) using the Go ‣ Go to Folder… command in Finder and entering ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/
. If you still can’t get it to work after reinstalling the plug-in, please send in a diagnostic report.
Michael thanks,
I shall try during this weekend, and shall revert! Pretty sure I did it from the user Library folder, but nobody is perfect…
Good morning Michael,
I have just been deleting the DataVaults folder, and it is working perfectly! I did not have to run the terminal on this process, as my Mac is able to see, modify, delete all folders in the "username"Library.
SpamSieve is on a training right now!
Thanks for the help,
Enjoy your week-end!